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ISSN Approved Journal No: 2456-3315 | Impact factor: 8.14 | ESTD Year: 2016
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Paper Title: Data in Healthcare: Tackling the Security Challenges of Electronic Health Records in Healthcare Organizations
Authors Name: Priya M Mehta , Yukta D Parab , Mehndi Rezaei , Dr Jyotshna Dongardive
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Published Paper Id: IJRTI2407038
Published In: Volume 9 Issue 7, July-2024
Abstract: Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) hold the promise of enhancing healthcare delivery by improving efficiency, accessibility, and accuracy of patient information. However, the adoption of EMRs is hindered by significant concerns related to privacy and security of sensitive patient data. This review addresses these concerns by analyzing the specific privacy and security challenges associated with EMR systems, as well as exploring potential solutions to mitigate these risks. The paper examines a range of IT security incidents in healthcare settings, providing insights into the nature of threats and vulnerabilities. It reviews various algorithms and technologies, highlighting their strengths and limitations in protecting health data. Additionally, the paper discusses the transition from traditional paper-based records to electronic systems, including the associated benefits and challenges. Through an in-depth analysis of trends and security challenges over the past decade, the review aims to inform researchers and healthcare professionals about effective strategies for safeguarding EMR systems. The findings emphasize the critical impact of robust privacy and security measures on the successful implementation and acceptance of EMRs in healthcare organizations. Key technologies such as advanced encryption techniques, multi-factor authentication, and network access controls are evaluated for their efficacy in addressing these concerns. The review concludes with recommendations for future research and practice to enhance the privacy and security of EMRs, ultimately fostering greater trust and adoption of these systems in healthcare Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) can provide many benefits to physicians, patients, and healthcare services if they are adopted by healthcare organizations. But concerns about privacy and security that relate to patient information can cause there to be relatively low EMR adoption by several health institutions. Safeguarding a huge quantity of health data that is sensitive at separate locations in different forms is one of the big challenges of EMR. A review is presented in this paper to identify the health organizations’ privacy and security concerns and to examine solutions that could address the various concerns that have been identified. It shows the IT security incidents that have taken place in healthcare settings. The review will enable researchers to understand these security and privacy concerns and solutions that are available. We review the algorithms, derive insights on their operation, and highlight their advantages and disadvantages. The review uncovers many opportunities and challenges for improving privacy and security measures in future and determines that getting privacy and security right have a significant impact on the success of Electronic Health Records. Electronic medical records contain patients’ health-related data and are classified as a major factor in the application of e-health. Electronic medical records are made up of legal records that are composed at the hospital environments. These data are then used as the main source of data for electronic health records. Even though hospitals use electronic medical records systems in their day-to-day services, the experience of the healthcare professionals makes them not fully trust the system electronic health records stored at individual organizations are vulnerable to internal or external agents that seek to directly violate the security and confidentiality policies of a specific organization. In this review, we have also done the analysis of the shift of Healthcare records for traditional papers to electronic health care records. The graphs show the trends in healthcare organizations' use of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and associated security challenges over time, the other graph compares the key metrics for Electronic Health Records (EHR) use and security challenges in healthcare organizations between the years 2014 and 2024.
Keywords: Electronic Health Records, Privacy, Confidentiality, Security
Cite Article: "Data in Healthcare: Tackling the Security Challenges of Electronic Health Records in Healthcare Organizations", International Journal of Science & Engineering Development Research (www.ijrti.org), ISSN:2455-2631, Vol.9, Issue 7, page no.332 - 341, July-2024, Available :http://www.ijrti.org/papers/IJRTI2407038.pdf
Downloads: 000204757
ISSN: 2456-3315 | IMPACT FACTOR: 8.14 Calculated By Google Scholar| ESTD YEAR: 2016
An International Scholarly Open Access Journal, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed Journal Impact Factor 8.14 Calculate by Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool, Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Multilanguage Journal Indexing in All Major Database & Metadata, Citation Generator
Publication Details: Published Paper ID: IJRTI2407038
Registration ID:190155
Published In: Volume 9 Issue 7, July-2024
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Page No: 332 - 341
Country: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Research Area: Computer Science & Technology 
Publisher : IJ Publication
Published Paper URL : https://www.ijrti.org/viewpaperforall?paper=IJRTI2407038
Published Paper PDF: https://www.ijrti.org/papers/IJRTI2407038
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ISSN: 2456-3315
Impact Factor: 8.14 and ISSN APPROVED, Journal Starting Year (ESTD) : 2016

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